It's All About The Experience


A blog about managing and improving customer experience and improving profits.

Managing Board Room Biases
Managing Board Room Biases
Decision-making biases can lead boards to make the wrong decisions. Here we identify seven of the most common biases and explain how to immunize your board against them.

Viral Videos That Build Brands (And How To Make Them)
Viral Videos That Build Brands (And How To Make Them)
A terrific way to affordably build your brand is by developing viral content, most specifically shareable videos, that support your brand. But recommending a company create a viral video is like telling a baseball player to "just" hit a home run. This post will review my personal hall of fame of viral videos, then dig into some of the key elements that these videos share.

How Controversy Can Be Good For Your Brand
How Controversy Can Be Good For Your Brand
Controversy, if appropriately handled, increases brand awareness and improves brand equity. As marketing genius PT Barnum once famously said, there is no such thing as bad publicity. We list six companies embroiled in controversies that they ultimately managed in their favor. Consumers can show grace for brands with moral lapses, but only if they move swiftly to do the right thing.

9 Ways To Build A Small Business Brand
9 Ways To Build A Small Business Brand
Following our previous blog about the crucial link between a strong brand and high profits, we share nine ways even smaller companies can build their brands. Social Media, Sponsorships, 'Ninja' Advertising, Parades, and growing digital 'word-of-mouth' are among the techniques we explore.

Six Ways A Strong Brand Improves Profits
 Six Ways A Strong Brand Improves Profits
Most of us find the notion of "brand" hard to define, but we know a strong brand when we see one. How does a strong brand make a company better off? Here are six common-sense ways a strong brand can improve profits.

8 Questions A Product Manager Should Ask About A New Product
8 Questions A Product Manager Should Ask About A New Product
Most new products fail. Here are eight questions that Product Managers can ask to assure Product Success.

Why Integration Is A Digital Marketer's Superpower
Why Integration Is A Digital Marketer's Superpower
If you want your business to convert customers and lock in online business partners, you need to integrate to create a seamless customer experience.

Three (Non-obvious) Ways to Make Your Business Easier to Find on Google
Three (Non-obvious) Ways to Make Your Business Easier to Find on Google
Recent updates to Google's Search Algorithm have created opportunities for savvy businesses who know how to play by the new rules!

Why Marketing Post-Covid Will Be About Community and Connections
Why Marketing Post-Covid Will Be About Community and Connections
The Pandemic and technology have super-charged emergant trends. Marketing will never be the same.

Business In a Post-COVID-19 World
Business In a Post-COVID-19 World
Learn how management will change as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. How can your company leverage the threats and opportunities that arise?